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Applications open November 12. 2024!
Questions? Contact the ADF school staff at


Summer Dance Intensive | June 12–July 12 | ages 18 +
Pre-Professional Dance Intensive | July 13-July 26 | ages 13-17
Dance Professional Workshops | June 25-July 1 -Educators with Gerri Houlihan |
July 2-8 -Creative Process with Robert Battle |
July 20-26- Physical Practice with Netta Yerushalmy and ADF Faculty

Each year, dance students and artists from around the world converge on the campus of Duke University in Durham, NC, to discover endless possibilities at the American Dance Festival. The festival includes 20+ dance company performances from around the world and summer training programs. Under the leadership of the Director of Education, Nile H. Russell, the ADF School hosts its core summer programs: the Summer Dance Intensive (SDI), the Pre-Professional Dance Intensive (PDI), and the Dance Professional Workshops (DPW) during the festival.

A place for dance artists who want to study, perform, create, research, and build lifelong connections in an immersive, meaningful community. For over nine decades, ADF has been a career-defining destination for dancers around the world, a place where movers learn from each other, generate new ideas together, share their stories, and form lasting relationships. 

ADF provides the critical meeting ground for vibrant, diverse dancing bodies to mobilize, align, and become leaders. It is an indispensable educational force in the contemporary dance landscape by offering an innovative curriculum and presenting best pedagogical practices. In all of its programs, it seeks to foster community-mindedness, ethical leadership, and respect for difference. 

If you have any questions in completing any phase of the application process, contact the ADF School through the messaging tool in your online application or via email at

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ADF offers equal opportunity of admission to all applicants.