Auburn University Department of Music, Bands and Choirs
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Welcome to the Auburn University Department of Music, Bands and Choirs admissions and scholarship applications. Carefully reading the following information will assist you in completing your application correctly.
Music Majors:
If you plan to be a music major (Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music Education, Bachelor of Arts in Music), or double major in music and another area, please make sure to select “MUSIC MAJOR” from the Program drop-down on the left-hand side of the page. The application you will complete is for admission into the Department of Music and for scholarship consideration. All students interested in a music major must complete a successful audition to be accepted into the department. The audition requirements for the Department of Music can be found on our website.
Non-Music Majors:
If you plan to major or minor in something other than music at Auburn University, and are interested in auditioning for a band or choir scholarship, please make sure to select “NON-MUSIC MAJOR” from the Program drop-down on the left-hand side of the page. Awards are given based on program needs and are tied to ensemble participation. The audition requirements for a band scholarship can be found on this website, while the audition requirements for a choral scholarship can be found on this website.
Thank you.
Questions? Contact Us:
Music Department Office
334-844-4165 – office phone
music@auburn.edu - email
AU Band Scholarships for Non-Music Majors
Dr. Nikki Gross
334-844-4108 – office phone
ngross@auburn.edu - email
AU Choir Scholarships for Non-Music Majors
Dr. William Powell
334-844-3166 - office phone
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