Chopin Foundation Scholarship Program for Young Pianists
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Requirements, Repertoire, and How to Apply - Online Applications Only!
DEADLINE: May 15, 2025
The purpose of the Chopin Foundation Scholarship Program is to support and encourage young, talented American pianists through up to four years of preparation for the National Chopin Piano Competition of the United States, which is held in Miami, Florida, every five years.
Renewable scholarships of $1,000 are awarded each year on a competitive basis to outstanding young American pianists who demonstrate a special affinity for the interpretation of Frédéric Chopin’s music. In addition, the Scholarship Committee may grant half-awards in the amount of $500 to qualified applicants. A half-award may be granted to an applicant only once during the four-year program. Decisions of the Scholarship Committee are final and not open to discussion.
The Scholarship Program is open to all qualified American pianists (US citizens or legal residents*) not younger than 14 and not older than 17 years of age on May 15 of their first year of application.
*Legal Residency - those with valid “green cards” or those on the path to citizenship, NOT non-resident visa holders (F-1, for example).
Renewal and Repertoire
The scholarships are renewable for up to four years as long as the recipient continues to study piano and maintains satisfactory academic progress, and each year, the recipient submits an application for evaluation, including a video recording of an unedited performance of the Chopin works required for that year. The Scholarship Committee may accept an application of the returning applicant even if one year was skipped within the four-year period. Any applicant who was not awarded a scholarship may reapply the following year, submitting a new recording of the music of his/her choice from the repertoire required for the year in which he/she was not accepted. Reapplication is allowed only once while in the Scholarship Program.
Year 1:
Two Etudes, two Nocturnes, and your choice of a Ballade, or Scherzo, or Barcarole in F-sharp Major Op. 60, or Fantasia in F Minor Op. 49
Year 2:
Six consecutive Preludes from Op. 28 played in order, two Waltzes, and two Mazurkas
Year 3:
One Sonata and one of the following Polonaises: Andante Spianato and Grand Polonaise in E-flat Major Op. 22, or Polonaise in F-sharp Minor Op. 44, or Polonaise in A flat major Op. 53, or both Polonaises from Op. 26, or Polonaise-Fantasy in A-flat major, Op. 61.
Year 4:
One of Chopin’s two Concertos – all movements - with orchestra or a 2nd piano
The following are required and must be uploaded with the application:
(1) Statement of career goals.
(2) Two recommendations from piano teachers or professional piano performers must be uploaded and submitted with your application. Recommendation letters must include the full name, mailing address, email address, and telephone number of the person making the recommendation.
(3) An unedited video recording of Chopin’s works, as required for Years 1 – 4 (listed previously), must be recorded in one session - but must be saved and uploaded as separate files. For example, Year 1 applicants would upload three files: one file with the two Etudes, one with the two Nocturnes, and one with the chosen piece. The required repertoire must be played from memory. The recordings must be made by a single camera, with no cuts during the performance of the work, with the right profile to the camera, including the pianist’s whole silhouette, feet, and hands visible. Please label the uploaded files with the name of the piece(s) and the edition used and upload the list of pieces and editions as a separate document where indicated.
To approach the application video, envision yourself performing in a recital. All pieces should be played on the same piano, on the same day, with natural pauses between them just as in a live performance. Therefore, it is acceptable if the camera stops recording between pieces. For first-year candidates, we recommend keeping the camera running for the two Etudes and the two Nocturnes, if possible. The same recommendation applies for the Preludes, Waltzes, and Mazurkas for Year 2.
(4) Proof of current school enrollment/statement of being homeschooled.
(5) Copy of birth certificate or proof of the U.S. naturalization/legal residency.
(6) Non-refundable $35 application fee.
(7) Optional: Upload additional page(s) to list significant repertoire studied. Place an asterisk (*) by works performed in public. Include copies of programs/reviews, if possible.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Applications, along with all attachments listed above, must be received by May 15th. Scholarship results will be announced by August 15th. Please contact the Chopin Foundation with any questions.
The Chopin Foundation of the United States, Inc.
Attn: Scholarship Committee
1440 79th Street Causeway, Suite 117, Miami, FL 33141
Phone: (305) 868-0624 Email: admin@chopin.org
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