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Dear Prospective GMS Student:

Thank you for applying to the Conservatory at Gifted Music School! Start your application by selecting your instrument program from the left sidebar "Start an Application."

Important Dates

  • March 1: Online application opens
  • March 20: Online Admissions Information Session at 7:30 p.m. MDT: Zoom Link
  • April 18: In-Person Admissions Information Session at 5:15 p.m. MDT or join online: Zoom Link
  • May 1: Applications and application fees due
  • May 24: Live auditions at Gifted Music School in Salt Lake City, UT
  • June 15: Final decisions are sent

Audition Requirements

For admittance into the full-scholarship Conservatory, students must be able to show technical and musical proficiency that demonstrates — for their age — exceptional competency, consistent work ethic, and commitment. Consideration is heavily weighted toward students who show evidence of hard work.

Students who accept the scholarship are expected to make GMS classes, rehearsals, concerts, and events a priority in their musical education, and are expected to adhere to the attendance policies. Students accepted into the Conservatory must study their main instrument lessons with GMS faculty.

Repertoire Requirements
Find instrument-specific audition requirements by selecting your instrument program from the left sidebar "Start an Application." But generally, most auditions consist of the following:

  1. Two stylistically contrasting works that demonstrate the student’s abilities.
  2. A scale of your choosing, parallel (same tonic) major and melodic minor.
  3. Sight-reading.
  4. Orchestral excerpt, as determined by your instrument (see the "Resources" tab).

Theory Placement Exam

Gifted Music School's conservatory curriculum features a robust sequence of music theory courses, from beginning theory rudiments and diatonic harmony through advanced form and analysis. In tandem with the audition process, applicants will be given a theory diagnostic (or "placement") exam which will allow our faculty to accurately place students in the appropriate level of music theory. 

Applicants are encouraged to review the Music Theory Study Guide prior to taking the diagnostic exam. Students are not expected to know everything on this list. Topics covered in the exam are extracted from each of the various levels of music theory at GMS. Students should complete as much of the test as they are able to at this point in their musical journey.

Results of the diagnostic exam will have no impact on the student's final admissions decision. Please anticipate reserving one (1) hour after the live audition to take the exam.

Next Steps
Once we have received your application and application fee, we will confirm your audition time in early May. More information is forthcoming.

Thank you again for your interest in the Gifted Music School Conservatory! We look forward to reviewing your application and meeting you in the near future.

Conservatory Admissions Staff

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