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Thank you for your interest in the
Department of Music at Gordon College. 

The Adams School of Music and the Arts at Gordon College develops your ability to understand Western art music within a cultural, historical and Christian context, and to perform this music with artistry and aesthetic judgment. Our approach prepares graduates for careers as performers, teachers, conductors, and composers throughout the United States and around the world. 

Undergraduate Programs

Live auditions are strongly recommended for all applicants. If live auditions are not possible, Zoom auditions are an excellent option, especially for international applicants. However, in cases where technical challenges or time differences complicate Zoom auditions, recorded auditions are acceptable and can be submitted through the platform. No CDs, DVDs, YouTube links etc. will be accepted.

All applicants must complete two separate applications, one to Gordon College, and one to the Department of Music:

  1. Complete the Gordon College Freshman Application for Admission 
  2. Complete the Gordon College Music Major/Minor Application for Admission - or - Complete the Gordon College Ensemble Scholarship Application

To learn more about our lucrative Music Scholarships for music majors, music minors and ensemble participants, and our deadlines visit our webpage .

More audition details can also be found here:

If you have scheduled or intend to schedule a live or Zoom audition, it is not necessary to submit a recording through

Graduate Programs
A video recording of a 15 - 20 minute classroom teaching demonstration is required of all applicants seeking admission to the Master of Music Education Program. DVD, VHS and other forms of media will not be accepted by mail. All applicants must submit their video recording through the Acceptd platform.

Please select Master of Music Education from the drop down on the right to continue with the recording submission process.


Undergraduate Music Admissions

Graduate Music Admissions

For technical questions, please visit the Acceptd Help Desk.