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Michigan Thespians

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MICHIGAN THESPIANS is an organization that supports theatre students and teachers from across our great state.   If you would like more information, including details about our biggest event of the year (The Michigan Thespian Festival), please visit www.michiganthespians.org

Michigan Thespians uses www.getacceptd.com to help conduct our College Scholarships Competition only.



Any senior member of The International Thespian Society who has paid to attend the Festival is eligible to compete in the College Scholarship Competition, provided they have submitted their getacceptd.com application form by the required deadline. Students can compete in Musical Theatre Performance, Acting Performance, Design/Tech, or Stage Management. 

There is a $40 charge to participate in the College Scholarship Competition.

There is no limit to the number of seniors eligible from any one school, but any senior entering MUST be planning to pursue a degree in some form of theatre arts when entering college to audition. Troupe Directors are allowed to watch their students’ auditions; however, other students and/or parents cannot watch these auditions.  

Please note that any student chosen to compete in the Thespian Scholarship Competition by their director will need to complete a separate application form for that competition.  The Thespians Scholarship Competition is completely different and has its own set of rules.

For additional info and the complete rules relating to the Michigan Thespians Festival College Scholarships Competition, visit www.michiganthespians.org

If you have any questions regarding college auditions, please contact Erik Hart: ehart@wcskids.net

For technical questions, please visit the Acceptd Help Desk.