Oklahoma City University - MFA in Screen Acting
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Thank you for your interest in auditioning for the MFA in Screen Acting with Oklahoma City University’s School of Theatre.
Now accepting applications for Fall 2025!
Admission to the MFA in Screen Acting program consists of a successful completion of all of the following items:
- An application* for Graduate Admission for Oklahoma City University https://www.okcu.edu/admissions/admissions-overview
- A video audition submission or participation in an audition event attended by the Program Director (See details under "Start an Application" for this program)
- A callback and interview with the Program Director
Applicants must have completed a bachelor's degree to be eligible for admission to the MFA in Screen Acting program.
Complete our admissions process by December 15, 2024 and get…
- 50% off your deposit ($250 vs $500)
- Complimentary group self-tape audition masterclass (virtual) with Timothy Davis-Reed (Instructor for Acting I, Acting II and Actor-Industry Lab with over 150 TV & Film credits), BIO| IMDB
- Plus, one ‘24-25 Student Assistantship position will be reserved for an Early Bird Admit.
More information about the Early Bird Promo can be found on our website.
* All applicants to the MFA in Screen Acting Program are eligible for a full waiver of the $60 application fee. Contact us at gadmissions@okcu.edu to get a waiver code.
Please email ocutheatreauditions@okcu.edu with questions or concerns.
For technical questions, please visit the Acceptd Help Desk.
For additional information, please visit the MFA in Screen Acting and Oklahoma City University websites.
Thank you again for choosing our MFA in Screen Acting – we look forward to reviewing your audition.