Ohio Music Education Association Children's Chorus
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OMEA is pleased to announce auditions for the OMEA All-State Children’s Chorus to be held on February 6, 2025 in Cleve- land, Ohio as part of the OMEA Professional Development Conference. Selected choristers will participate in three regional rehearsals prior to this event and a full group rehearsal on February 6th. The day will conclude with a final concert at 5:00pm. We are thrilled to extend this opportunity to elementary students and teachers in the State of Ohio. The concert day and rehears- als will follow health guidelines that are required by the state of Ohio at that time.
In order to assure an efficient review process, applicants will apply using the Acceptd online website. All application material MUST be submitted electronically through this web-based company. This process includes a $20 application fee to Acceptd for administering the online process. Applications submitted by any other means will not be considered. Please read the following information carefully. Failure to do so may disqualify deserving students. You will need a parent email address, the music teach- er’s name, music teacher’s contact information, music teacher’s NAfME number, and a credit card for the application.
Auditions are open to all public, private, and home-schooled students who will be in grades 4 or 5 during the 2024-2025school year and whose teachers are members of OMEA. Home-schooled students whose parent or private teacher is a mem- ber of OMEA are also eligible. OMEA members are asked to encourage and assist their finest students in the application process described below. Please ensure that all applicants can match pitch, access the head voice, and possess the focus and stamina to participate in full day rehearsals. Only those students who are currenty in Grades 3 or 4 are eligible to audition.
• April 2: Application and audition material available online and through Acceptd.
• May 31: Deadline for all applications to be submitted. Please carefully note the specific performance requirements below.
• Early Fall 2024: Results will be posted to the OMEA website and notifications sent via email. Teachers will receive an email notification when results are posted to the website.
• October 15: Acceptance forms and $100 participation fee made payable to OMEA are due for all applicants.
• The profile must be created using the student’s name. Directors are encouraged to assist students in setting up their profile. • Under “PROGRAM GROUP” select “OMEA All-State Children’s Chorus”
• Answer all of the questions.
• Upload clearly named audio recordings. Recordings must begin with the student announcing their name and grade level.
Recordings of individual selections should NOT be edited or spliced but performed continuously. Attention should be given to the quality of the recording. Soloists will perform a cappella. Recordings can be made on digital recorders, smart phones, ipads, tablets, etc.
• Teachers are urged to review the application information and recordings before submission.
• The final step of the application includes a $20 application fee to Acceptd for administration of the online application pro- cess. A pre-paid card, commercially available at various retail locations, may suit your needs if a personal credit card is unavailable. Please note that the application fees are paid directly to Acceptd. OMEA will not receive this money and cannot process this fee.
• Once the application has been submitted, a confirmation email and receipt will be sent. Failure to meet the deadlines or follow application instructions may result in rejection of the student. All evaluation proceedings are confidential and deci- sions are final
• America the Beautiful - Key of C Major, A Capella
• O Music by Lowell Mason - Key of F or G Major, A Capella
*Please ensure that all applicants match pitch, access the head voice, and possess the focus and stamina to participate in a full- day rehearsal.
The regional rehearsal schedule and details will be posted to the OMEA website (www.omea-ohio.org). All students are required to attend three regional rehearsals prior to the February 6th event. Students are encouraged to attend the regional rehearsal in their area but may elect to drive to a different region is there is a conflict. A schedule will be communicated with the acceptance letter. Regional rehearsals are mandatory.
February 6, 2025 Schedule - All students are required to attend the full day rehearsal on February 6th at the Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland in Cleveland, Ohio. A detailed schedule will be provided in the acceptance letter.
The students will be provided a performance t-shirt on the day of the performance. Students are expected to wear black dress pants or long skirts, black socks, and black dress shoes for the performance.
Please contact ascc@omea-ohio.org with any questions regarding audition information or the All-State Children’s Chorus Event!