Pasadena Showcase House Instrumental Competition
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Welcome to the application portal for the Pasadena Showcase House Instrumental Competition for strings, woodwind and brass students sponsored by Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts.
Preliminary Auditions are through Acceptd.
Finals – Sunday, March 30, 2025 – 10:30 a.m.
Eligibility: As of March 30, 2025- Must be age 14 to 19
- Must be a full-time student, reside and attend high school in Los Angeles County.
- LAPA, PSHA members and families, and former Grand or First Place prize winners are ineligible.
Applications open January 1, 2025
Application Package Deadline: Package and videos due by Monday, February 17, 2025 at 8:00 p.m.
New for 2025 - no cost to competitor to apply. The application fee will be paid by the Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts.
Completed application must be submitted through Acceptd and must include:
- Proof of Age (copy of Driver's License, Passport or other form of an official picture ID)
- Recent Photograph
- Resume (Study, Training Background, Teachers, Schools, and Recent Competitions)
- Digital Audition file
Please select your instrument from the drop-down menu on the left. The repertoire requirements and instructions will be listed under the guidelines. Click "Apply" to begin your application.
Any questions regarding the entry process (application, repertoire requirements, etc.) should be directed by email to competition@pasadenashowcase.org.
Audition Technical Requirements:
The audition materials must be submitted through Acceptd. Audiocassettes, DVD or CD recordings are not accepted. The following format is required:
- The digital audition may not bear any form of identification, including the applicant's name, on the uploaded file.
- Professional or semi-formal attire is recommended.
- Audition tapes may be submitted without an accompanist. Competitors selected for the finals are encouraged to perform concerto movements at the finals with an accompanist.
- All pieces with an accompanist must be recorded with the accompanist.
- The competitor and the accompanist should fill the screen as much as possible.
- Each movement must be recorded in its entirety and chapters must demark each movement.
- Each movement must be a complete take with no editing. Movements may be recorded in separate sessions
- As sound quality is of extreme importance, you are urged to utilize quality audio equipment. The use of an acoustically sound environment is encouraged.
Note: A panel of judges from the Los Angeles Philharmonic will view the auditions. As the judges evaluate the preliminary rounds, they will be listening and watching to evaluate your interpretation, technical accuracy, and overall performance. Decisions made by the judges are final.
Competitors will be notified by email of the decisions made during the Preliminary Auditions.
The Final Competition will be held on Sunday, March 30, 2025, at Olin & Ann Barrett Recital Hall on the campus of the Pasadena Conservatory of Music, 100 N. Hill Ave, Pasadena, CA 91106. Competitors must be present during the awards ceremony.
Funds for the competition have been made possible by proceeds from the 2024 Pasadena Showcase House of Design.
- $5,000 Grand Prize for Exceptional Talent and Musicianship
- $3,000 1st Prize - Strings
- $3,000 1st Prize - Woodwinds
- $3,000 1st Prize - Brass
- $2,000 2nd Prize - Strings
- $2,000 2nd Prize - Woodwinds
- $2,000 2nd Prize - Brass
- $1,000 Honorable Mention
For further questions: Please contact our Instrumental Competition Chair, at competition@pasadenashowcase.org
For technical questions, please visit the Acceptd Help Desk.