Southern California Jr. Bach Festival - MTAC Pasadena Branch
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The Southern California Junior Bach Festival is a distinguished annual festival that promotes interest in and profound respect for the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. The Festival enjoys a rich history, having its origins in 1961 as a joint project with the Music Teachers Association of California. Today the festival involves approximately 2,500 students from 34 branches of the MTAC throughout Southern California. Over the years, masterclasses and workshops by various artist-teachers have been added to maintain high-performance standards as well as a clearer and more accurate understanding of Baroque interpretation by students. By participating in the Bach Festival and training your students, you are continuing the legacy of this renowned composer.
The first round, or Branch Festival, includes a panel of three judges who offer a written critique of student performances. Fifty percent of the field is then selected to move on to the next round. The second round, called Regionals, takes place a few weeks later and culminates in the selection of 45% of the field. These students receive additional special recognition as winners.
The Complete Works Audition serves as a third-round and takes place in the Fall. Students moving forward to this round originally opted to play multiple movements from a rotating selection of Bach's works. The CWA provides an excellent opportunity for the most accomplished students to challenge themselves by the demands of memorizing and preparing longer Bach works. This performance is open to the public and includes pairs of Two and Three-Part Inventions, Preludes and Fugues from The Well Tempered Clavier, Partitas, English Suites, and French Suites.
We are thrilled that you have chosen to enter students in this year's Bach Festival and wish you all the joys of studying, teaching, and performing the music of this legendary composer.
Kristi Lobitz
Dorothy Caimano
2021 SCJBF Branch Festival
MTAC Pasadena
For any festival questions, please feel free to email klobitz@sbcglobal.net.
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