Southeastern Theatre Conference (SETC Recruiters & Hiring Companies)
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Welcome to the SETC Hiring Acceptd Platform. Members of SETC have access to hiring, casting, recruiting and so much more! SETC hosts multiple virtual and in-person audition events throughout the year, both for professional artists seeking work and prospective graduate and undergraduate students seeking admission to schools and training programs in both performance and tech fields. In addition to filling out your application here, registration for the conference is required. Register for the Conference here: https://setc.org/2024-convention/
Professional Auditions & Casting Opportunities-INCLUDING TECH
- Summer and Outdoor Theatre VIRTUAL Auditions (tech candidates included)
- Spring Professional Auditions (in-person)
- Fall Professional VIRTUAL Auditions (tech candidates included)
College and University Program Auditions & Recruiting Opportunities-INCLUDING TECH
- Graduate School Admission Auditions & Interviews (including tech--in-person)
- Undergraduate School Admission Auditions (including tech--in-person)
SETC offers recruiting events for those looking to pursue an education in theatre. Both undergraduate- and graduate-level programs attend acting auditions and design/tech interviews as part of the annual SETC Convention.
Audition/Casting Questions? Please reach out to marci@setc.org
Membership Questions? Join here!
Register for the 2025 conference here: https://setc.org/2024-convention/