University of Minnesota Duluth Theatre
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The nationally recognized UMD Department of Theatre offers two unique undergraduate degree programs: a Theatre BA, and a Theatre BFA with emphases in Acting, Musical Theatre, Scene Design, Costume Design, Lighting Design, Stage Management, and Technical Theatre. In addition, we offer minors in Theatre, Dance, and Film Studies. The department offers a variety of productions, directed by faculty and guest artists. Check out our Current Season and learn what we’re presenting this year at https://cahss.d.umn.edu/departments/theatre/current-season
We are an undergraduate-department only. This means more opportunities for YOU - to perform, design, stage manage, direct, write, all of it. Learn more about our department here.
Located in picturesque Duluth - voted by Outside Magazine as “the Best Town in America” - the UMD Department of Theatre is housed in the Marshall Performing Arts Center, which includes a 550-seat flexible thrust/proscenium theatre, a black-box experimental theatre, fully equipped scenic and costume shops, computerized lighting control, a digital and analogue audio playback station, and a multi-camera television studio.
To help begin your BFA audition process, requirements for each Theatre BFA emphasis are listed below. Applicants interested in UMD’s Theatre BFA program must complete an in-person audition or portfolio review with UMD Theatre faculty, either in Duluth or at the Chanhassen Dinner Theatres in the Twin Cities. BFA applicants must also apply and be accepted to the University of Minnesota Duluth before they can audition/interview for UMD’s Theatre BFA program.
We ask that all students schedule their audition/interview time through Acceptd, which charges $15 for this service. Although not required, we encourage you to upload additional audition/portfolio materials by clicking on the "supplemental materials" button while creating your profile and add what you like, (e.g., headshot, resume, audition videos, portfolio materials, etc.). This is an additional $20 and gives us a chance to get to know you better, before we even meet you.
Because the BA is a separate degree that broadly focuses on many facets of theatre, students selecting it need not upload materials on Acceptd or audition for the program. To be accepted as a UMD Theatre BA, you need only be accepted to the University of Minnesota Duluth.
To apply to UMD: http://www.d.umn.edu/admissions/undergraduate-admissions/apply
December 15 is called the "priority deadline" -- This is strongly encouraged as the date to apply if you want to make sure of on-campus housing, as well as getting UMD to put together a financial aid offer (which generally goes out to families in February).
BFA 2025 Audition/Interview Dates
All candidates participating in auditions or interviews will be considered for the BFA Programs, New Talent Scholarships and Out of State Tuition Waivers, as warranted. Prospective B.A. students are welcome to attend and interview with the faculty to be considered as well.
Saturday, February 8th, 2025 from 9am-6:00pm -The University of Minnesota Duluth Campus
AUDITION SIGN UP CUT OFF DATE: Thursday, February 6th, 2025, 12pm
Marshall Performing Arts Center
UMD Campus
1215 Ordean Court, Duluth, MN 55812
mrolsen@d.umn.edu for more information.
Sunday, March 9th, 2025 from 9am-6:00pm -Chanhassen Dinner Theatres
AUDITION SIGN UP CUT OFF DATE: Friday, March 7th, 2025 by 12pm
Chanhassen Dinner Theatres
501 West 78th Street
Chanhassen, MN 55317
mjwagner@d.umn.edu for more information.
**Perform two contrasting monologues, the total of which should be no longer than 2 minutes. Something contemporary and realistic is strongly recommended for at least one of the pieces.
Musical Theatre
**Sing two selections: Two contrasting vocal selections (no longer than one minute each) -- One ballad, one uptempo. If you plan to use our accompanist, you must bring sheet music in the correct key. If you plan to sing with a track, you must bring the pre-recorded accompaniment on an MP3 player. We will provide speakers and an auxiliary plug for your device.
**Please note that you will only have three minutes total to present your monologue and two song selections.
Acting/Musical Theatre Audition SCHEDULE:
You will only be required to attend one dance/movement call and it is advised that you join the one that follows your individual time slot.
9:00am -12:00pm Open Call -- 10-minute time slots for prepared monologue and vocal selections, as well as an interview with the Theatre faculty.
12:00pm -1:30pm Acting Workshop and Movement/Dance Call - all those auditioning are required to attend the Acting Workshop. The Movement/Dance call is only required for those auditioning for Musical Theatre, though all are welcome to attend.
2:00pm - 4:30pm Open Call -- 10-minute time slots for prepared monologue and vocal selections, as well as an interview with the faculty where you will learn more about them, and they more about you.
4:30pm - 6:00pm Acting Workshop and Movement/Dance Call - All those auditioning are required to attend the Acting Workshop. The Movement/Dance call is only required for those auditioning for Musical Theatre, though all are welcome to attend.
What to bring for both:
- A copy of your resume detailing your production and theatre experience
- A copy of your sheet music, clearly marked and in the correct key (preferably in a 3-ring binder)
- A headshot, if you have one
- Appropriate audition attire
- For the Movement portion, please bring jazz or character shoes if you have them. If not, bring sneakers
- For the Dance Call, you will have time to change into dance attire.
Scene Design, Costume Design, Lighting Design and Technical Theatre Interview Requirements
Interviewees will meet with Design & Production faculty for a 30-minute interview between the hours of 2:00 and 5:00pm which will provide an opportunity for faculty to learn the prospective student's background, educational goals and their potential for success in the BFA program.
In addition to the two scheduled in-person interviews, the Design & Production faculty is also happy to meet prospective students virtually at a time that is convenient to them. If interested, please contact Curtis Phillips at cphillip@d.umn.edu to set up that appointment.
For the interview, interviewees must provide the following:
- A one-page resume with photo, listing previous theatrical experience
- Two letters of references from teachers, employers, and/or theatre professionals
- Examples of work to be presented at the interview, including sketches, renderings, art projects, drafting, production photos or anything that demonstrates design and/or technical abilities.
- Interviewees may choose to assemble their work in a physical or digital portfolio format, but any organized collection of materials is acceptable. All materials will be returned at the end of the interview session.
Stage Management Interview Requirements
Interviewees will meet with Design & Production faculty for a 30-minute interview between the hours of 2:00 - 5:00pm which will provide an opportunity for faculty to learn the prospective student's background, educational goals and their potential for success in the BFA program.
For the interview, interviewees must provide the following:
- A one-page resume with photo, listing previous theatrical experience
- Two letters of references from teachers, employers, and/or theatre professionals
- Examples of their work to be presented at the interview, including sample production books, production photos, rehearsal scripts, performance scripts or anything that demonstrates organizational and/or management abilities.
- Interviewees may choose to assemble their work in a physical or digital portfolio format, but any organized collection of materials is acceptable. All materials will be returned at the end of the interview session.
Thank you for your interest in the University of Minnesota Duluth's Theatre Program, and we look forward to getting to know you through this process. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to email us, call, or come to Duluth for a visit!
The Faculty and Staff of the UMD Theatre Department
Please watch our UMD/Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Alliance video. We are proud to be affiliated with them and offer our students wonderful connections to the professional world.
For technical questions, please visit the Acceptd Help Desk.