Kentucky College and Career Day for the Performing and Visual Arts 2023 thumbnail

Kentucky College and Career Day for the Performing and Visual Arts 2023

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Louisville’s Youth Performing Arts School, DuPont Manual High School’s Visual Arts Magnet, and the Kentucky Center Governor’s School for the Arts (GSA) invite you to participate in the 42nd annual Kentucky College and Career Day for the Performing and Visual Arts Event on
October 25, 2024.

On this special day, you will have the opportunity to interact with many Colleges and Universities from across the country. By submitting all of your application materials here through Accept'd, many college representatives from various colleges/universities will get to view your auditions in the performing arts or portfolio reviews in all other areas. Some representatives will provide feedback or may contact you directly. Several, but not all, art disciplines will be holding call-backs in the afternoon of October 25, 2024, giving students the opportunity to talk with the different college representatives in their art discipline.

You may complete an application in the following eleven artistic disciplines: Dance, Musical Theatre/Theatre, Design & Production/Technical Theatre, Vocal Music, Instrumental Music: Brass, Instrumental Music: Woodwinds, Instrumental Music: Percussion, Instrumental Music: Strings, Classical Guitar, Piano, or Visual Arts. If you are wanting to participate in two art disciplines, then you will need to complete two separate applications.

The deadline to fully complete and submit an application is
Monday, October 21, 2024 by 11:59 p.m. EST.


Submit your application early if possible.

Are you wanting to take advantage of this great opportunity to get yourself seen by many colleges/universities?  Here’s how to apply:

  1. Prepare your resume and upload materials.
  2. Complete your application with Acceptd, an online application tool.
  3. SUBMIT everything by October 21, 2024.

Questions?  Please reach out to Savanna McFarlan: or your YPAS/Manual department teacher.  For GSA students, if you have questions please reach out to GSA:

For technical questions, please visit the Acceptd Help Desk.